Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Pretty as a Picture

Last night I made one of my favorite summer dinners, Guacamole Salad. When I sat down to eat, I thought, "Wow, that's so pretty!" and I ran to get my camera. It's not only pretty, but delicious and very healthy. It's made with Sun Gold tomatoes from my garden, fresh corn from the farm stand, rinsed black beans from a a can, chopped sweet red pepper, lime zest and chopped avocado. The dressing is simply olive oil and fresh squeezed lime juice with a little S & P and a dash of cayenne pepper.
I find myself making more and more vegetarian meals. It's not that I don't like meat or fish, but I just love vegetables and there are so many scrumptious recipes out there. I always make sure that I add a protein, like beans or nuts or cheese or quinoa.
I only planted two of these Sun Gold tomato plants, but they are coming fast and furious. I love to eat them warm right off the plant, but I'm also using them in my cooking. Tonight I think I'll make a quick pasta topper with the Sun Golds, fresh basil, some chopped summer squash and mushrooms all sauteed in a little olive oil. Makes me hungry just thinking about it.

1 comment:

improv cloth said...

That dish looks so good! and colorful!