Friday, June 21, 2024

I'm still here

 A few years ago Arizona artist, Ann Morton, led the Violet Protest. It had a political theme in which we were challenged to make quilt squares of an equal amount of red and blue . You can read all about it here. I made five squares and absolutely loved making them. The Project was a huge success. 

Now Ann has a new project, TOWARD 2050, which is when we hope to be carbon free. Again, you can read about it here.

I sent in my request to make a flag and really enjoyed working on it. I chose to do hand embroidery which took me many an evening in front of the TV stitching. 

Here are my two sides. These will be hung in prayer flag style. The row of stitching you see along the top is where the rod will go.

When I was finished I wanted to do another with a much simpler and speedy technique. I chose to do fusing with machine stitched button hole stitch around the edges. These took no time at all.

I just couldn't resist using a cactus printed fabric for this one.

So please go check out the project, using the link above and see if this is something you might like to do. They are not due until December, so you have a lot of time. 

Be sure to check out Off the Wall Friday and see what some talented people are doing.