Saturday, March 21, 2020


After watching yesterday's so called press conference I was more than upset. It was full of misinformation, exaggerations, downright lies, and attacks on the press for asking very legitimate questions.

My fiber group is making a collage a month with a different prompt for each month. The word for March is BLOOM. I took advantage of the opportunity to make another piece of political art. It was cathartic to get some of my ire down on paper. 

The small words were printed from my computer using the Jokerman font, very appropriate with its prickly letters. I used flowers cut from a catalog for my "garden".

I am linking up with Off the Wall Friday. Go see what other artists are doing to make this dreadful time less trying. 


Pam said...

I could not agree more about your comments on the presser.

Pam said...

Also, your political art is imaginative and evocative and speaks to us all.

LA Paylor said...

otherwise smart people seem unable to see this flim flam artist for what he is...
great job Norma, and for still being creative amidst this crisis

Rebecca said...

What a fine way to use your frustration!

Have you seen the Tiny Pricks project? Another way to use the anger, etc.