The decorated trees are donated by various people and also decorated by professional decorators on staff. There are over 200 trees and patrons buy tickets to put in the can next to the tree or trees they might want. The winners get to bring home a beautiful decorated tree.The trees are of all sizes, from nine feet tall to three feet. There are many themes and I am going to show you just a few that caught my fancy.
This next tree was made by the Woman's Club of Danbury/New Fairfield, of which I am a member. Last year our Spring luncheon's theme was Breakfast at Tiffany's and we all wore our "little black dresses" and pearls. Some of the members really glammed it up with cigarette holders, fascinators, long gloves, and even one mink stole. We had quite a few of those fabulous Tiffany blue boxes left over and strings of pearls and some of the women decided to do a tree. We won an Horrible Mention in its devision. Audrey would have been proud.
Be sure to click on each tree to see some of the amazing details.
I have started on my own decorating this weekend. The Santa tree and all the Santa decor in my family room is finished. Now on to the living room tree and the dining room. I'll get it all done this week, I hope. I'm getting all new kitchen appliances delivered tomorrow, so that will send me back a bit. My 20 year old electric range is slowly dying (I'm replacing it with gas), the equally aged dishwasher is so noisy that you can't stand to be in the same room with it and since everything has to match, I'm also getting a new microwave and refrigerator. The refrigerator is still working just fine so that will go into the garage to act as a second fridge, which will come in handy, like this week when I made three big batches of soup to freeze. Not enough room in my current side by side. I'm getting a French door fridge with the freezer on the bottom, all stainless steel which I have been avoiding, but there are so few choices now. It's either SS, or white or black. Black or white would not work in my kitchen, so SS it is.
I am working on some fun things in my studio, so please come back and I will show you what.