From early Sunday morning to very late Wed. night I was on a road trip with three friends. We drove from CT to PA to see Frank Lloyd Wright's famous building,

The home, designed for and lived in by the Kaufmann family, owners of a large department store in Pittsburgh, was built between 1936 and 1939. The house is made of cantilevered units that hang over the waterfall and stream below, an amazing feat of engineering. No pictures were allowed inside, but many things inside were also cantilevered, such as built-in couches, desks, shelving, etc.

The fabulous foursome posing with the building behind us. Janet and Carolyn in back with Barbara and me in front.

The grounds were spectacular with well tended paths through the woods. Many rhododendrons, not in bloom, graced the walkways. This beautiful fungus caught my eye. I think it was even brighter in person.

Then we were off to Athens, Ohio to see Quilt National.

We loved the show, as we always do even thought there were a few WWTT (what were they thinking) pieces. As Janet said, we sucked each quilt dry. I wonder if others spend as much time as we do. We were there at 11AM when it opened, left about 1PM for lunch in town, then back to the Dairy Barn until closing at 5PM. And this is for just 80 quilts.

We were most fortunate to have good weather on the long drive there and while touring Falling Water and our time in Athens, but this is what we had almost all the way home. Rain, rain, rain, like so much of our summer here in the East has been. It was a fabulous trip and we're looking forward to 2011 and the next Quilt National.