I started piecing my big green quilt, Emerald City. I work in what I call units, making them different sizes and shapes. When I dyed my fabrics for this I dyed seven different shades of green and six light to dark gradations of each shade. For this first unit I used the lightest and darkest of Lime Green.

I thought it would look better if I mixed the shades, so for this next one I used a bluish green with a yellowy green. I think it's much more interesting and will continue to mix and match from now on.

This one has Bright Green with Yellow Green windows.

The way I work is that I piece lots and lots of units and put them up on the design wall as I make then until I've filled up the space for the size quilt I want. Then I take them all down and try to fit them together like a puzzle. I have to make "filler" strips to make them fit. I may add very narrow strips of purple or orange or fuchsia to spice thing up, but that's a long way off.
This will be another of my Configuration quilts. I have a link in my last post or you can go to my website and see some in the Abstract gallery.