It seems like Mama Bird lays her eggs at night. I was out all day yesterday and checked when I got home and there were still only two eggs, but when I checked this morning I had #3. These eggs are very small, about 3/4 inch long. I just went to check them again and now they are in a different position, not lined up in a row as they are here, but in a triangular arrangement.

After so much talk on Quiltart about rust dyeing, I thought I'd give it a try, but oh, what to use. When my husband was alive and I was living in my former house, I had so much junk in the garage that I could have used, but nothing here in my new house. Here I just used finishing nails. I wet the fabric with white vinegar and put it on a Styrofoam meat tray, slightly crumpled, and put the new nails on top, then slid the whole thing in a zip lock bag. I could see rust forming in a couple of hours, but I left it overnight.

On this one I shredded some steel wool, spead it around on the soaked fabric, then crumped it into a loose ball and put it in a zip lock bag. When I took it out it had a lot of black spots on it, but they washed out. As I was putting this piece on my design wall to photograph it, I saw fish images. Do you? If you click to see the larger picture, you might see it.
I'd like to try some more, but I'll have to look around for things to use