Thursday, December 31, 2009
Just enough
snow to make it look pretty. The snow storm working its way up the east coast pretty much fizzled out by the time it got to CT and we only got about two inches. It did cover the ground and trees and gave a clean fresh look to everything outdoors. I got some much needed grocery shopping (tired of Christmas leftovers) done early in the morning before the snow and I stayed in all day and finished the quilting on my latest quilt. I've sewn down half of the facing and may finish tomorrow. Unfortunately I have to take the Christmas decorations down. The unpleasant part of doing all that decorating is that it all has to be undone. I wish I had some little elves to help, but it's just me. So my New Year's Day will be spent taking down, packing up and putting away. Then Monday I will buy some very unChristmasy flowers in yellow or pink or blue for my kitchen table to fill the void.
I wish you all a happy, healthy, productive and creative New Year.

Monday, December 28, 2009
Happiness Is.....
more Storage!
While my son was home for Christmas I had him empty the bookcase in his room. He lives on the opposite coast from me and he only comes home at Christmas. I usually go out there twice a year and of course we phone and email. I wish he didn't live so far away. My studio is overflowing with fabric, since I keep dyeing more and I didn't see why I needed to keep old college, law school and other books there when I could put that space to good use.
I plan to empty out the bookcases in my studio, cull the quilting books and probably give at least half of them away. That will free up space for fabric storage. He also emptied out his closet and brought a large haul to Good Will. There will go rolled quilts, rolls of PFD fabric and rolls of quilt batting.
Here's that good guy, Kurt, with his sweetie, Katie. I forgot to take pictures all weekend, but I grabbed the camera just as they were getting ready to leave on Saturday. It was so good to have them here even if it was such a short time. They both have the bluest of eyes, which came out red-eye in the picture. I tried to fix it, but the fix was not that successful.

I plan to empty out the bookcases in my studio, cull the quilting books and probably give at least half of them away. That will free up space for fabric storage. He also emptied out his closet and brought a large haul to Good Will. There will go rolled quilts, rolls of PFD fabric and rolls of quilt batting.

Thursday, December 24, 2009
Merry Christmas

Fortunately the weather has cooperated and my son arrived safely and on time yesterday from Portland, OR. His girlfriend comes from her parents' home in SC this evening and my sister from Long Island tomorrow. So my small family will be together for Christmas. I hope you get to spend the holidays with those you love and I wish you and yours a very Merry Christmas and a happy, healthy New Year.
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Ho, Ho, Ho
Continuing to show you some of the things I've made over the years, here are three little pillows. The Santas were "cheater" panels. Everything was printed on the fabric, including the border,which I chose to flange. I outline quilted all around each motif in the center. These Santas came as a set of four and I gave the other two away. The center pillow was cross stitch emboidered. I think the pattern came from Family Circle magazine, a great source for craft patterns way back when.

Sunday, December 20, 2009
Sunset Over Snowy Roofs
The weather man said that we were going to get a LOT of snow.When I got up yesterday morning they were saying that it would start about 9 AM, continue all day into the night and into early today. So I canceled my much coveted 2:45 Saturday hair appointment even though I desperately need a haircut and color. I didn't want to be on the road with all that snow and Christmas shoppers. Fortunately he said he could squeeze me in on Tuesday morning, so I may look more human by Christmas.
Well it didn't start snowing until 9 PM and it was over when I got up this morning. The TV guy said we got 9 inches, but I don't buy it. It looks like 4 to 6 inches to me, although it did blow around a lot. I went to church this morning with no trouble. The roads were very clear, but it sure was cold and blustery.
By staying in all day yesterday, I finished all my gift wrapping and some household chores and I was rewarded with this gorgeous sunset today.
Well it didn't start snowing until 9 PM and it was over when I got up this morning. The TV guy said we got 9 inches, but I don't buy it. It looks like 4 to 6 inches to me, although it did blow around a lot. I went to church this morning with no trouble. The roads were very clear, but it sure was cold and blustery.
By staying in all day yesterday, I finished all my gift wrapping and some household chores and I was rewarded with this gorgeous sunset today.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Sunday, December 13, 2009
One More Christmas Quilt

My block is on the right hand side. I made a little chart for the back label showing who made each block. This quilt hangs in my upstairs hallway, right outside my studio.
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Christmas Cards

I made some of my Christmas cards this year, 32, to be exact. I used the embossed velvet I blogged about here and two different stamps, depending on whether they were for friends or family. They were difficult to photograph because I couldn't pin them up on my design wall so I had to shoot them from above while they were flat on the table.
I got the card blanks from cardblanks.com and they were just what I needed with a three inch opening for the velvet. They were harder to make than you might think, since I was working from the back and the velvet was slippery and slithery. I don't think I got one of them in the right way on the first try. Sometimes it took two or three tries. They all got mailed out earlier in the week. I hope this doesn't sound terrible, but I only sent them to people who I thought would appreciate them. The rest got some very pretty store bought cards. I sent out about 75 cards altogether.

Friday, December 11, 2009
Christmas Luncheon
I belong to a wonderful group of quilters, the Scrapbag Quilt Artists, that meets weekly at members' homes. At one time we numbered 25 or so, but sadly our membership has dwindled, mostly due to people moving away. We have seven who are here year round and two who go away for the winter. Eight were in residence today for our annual potluck luncheon at my home. It's my favorite way to entertain. Since my house was already gussied up for the season, all I had to do was set the table, and this year I made a ham. All appetizers, side dishes and desserts were made by members and we truly had a scrumptious repast.

Here we are enjoying dessert. My dining room is so small that I couldn't back up enough to get everyone in the picture. I should have taken another shot from the other side.
Sometimes a small group is preferable. We could all sit at the same table and participate in the conversation. Sharing the holidays with family and friends is always so rewarding. I hope you all have a delightful holiday season, wherever you are and however you celebrate.

Sometimes a small group is preferable. We could all sit at the same table and participate in the conversation. Sharing the holidays with family and friends is always so rewarding. I hope you all have a delightful holiday season, wherever you are and however you celebrate.
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Santa Quilt
Several years ago, 1993 to be exact, I went to a guild meeting and someone brought in a Santa quilt for Show and Tell that I fell in love with. Can you tell that I'm very fond of Santas? I asked her what the pattern was and then went out and purchased "I Remember Santa Skating on Mistletoe Pond". I liked the fact that his bag was made of a quilt design. Everything was fused down and outlined with a satin stitch, through all the layers, so the only free motion quilting left to do was in the background. I was new to FM quilting, so that was a good thing.
This quilt hangs over the couch in my family room, which is decorated mostly with Santas, including a small tree that has only Santa ornaments.
This quilt hangs over the couch in my family room, which is decorated mostly with Santas, including a small tree that has only Santa ornaments.

Monday, December 7, 2009
Christmas Star Quilt
Here's the first of three Christmas quilts that I have made. This feathered star quilt was made in 1992 when I was still making traditional quilts. Although I only make art quilts now, this is one of my favorite quilts. It is hanging here over the fireplace mantel in my family room. It really is perfectly square. It flops away from the wall a little at the top because the sleeve is too short and I was too lazy to make another one. I'll have to go put a piece of tape behind it.

I not only made traditional quilts back then, I hand quilted them. I used metallic gold thread on this. I no longer hand quilt, neither being physically able nor having the desire to. I love machine quilting.

I not only made traditional quilts back then, I hand quilted them. I used metallic gold thread on this. I no longer hand quilt, neither being physically able nor having the desire to. I love machine quilting.

Sunday, December 6, 2009
Another Santa
This cutie pie was made about 10 or 12 years ago, long after I had started quilting. It was made from a pattern in one of the quilting magazines and even though I had an abundance of Christmas decorations, I just had to make it. His coat is pieced and unlike the Santa I showed yesterday, by then I had loads of reds, tans, and greens in my stash. His beard is made of wool roving.

Saturday, December 5, 2009
Christmas Memories
I should tell you first that I do a LOT of decorating at Christmas. I like to think that it's tasteful and not over done, but I do put out a lot of things. I also put away a lot of things to make room for them. Being a person who has always sewn and done crafts, a lot of my things are hand made and it's a trip down memory lane getting them out every year. I thought I would show you one a day for the next few days.
This little Santa pillow always makes me smile. It was a pattern from Family Circle and made in 1970 or '71 before the quilting craze overtook the country. It was VERY hard to find cotton calico. To get the green for his mittens and gold for this belt, I had to buy two dinner napkins and cut them up. The black calico for the boots was a real challenge and I don't remember where I found that garish black with pink flowers, but now I love it. His beard and face were made from a cotton/poly blend, cotton being hard to come by.
He has certainly stood the test of time and although he's terribly out of style, I still like him.

He has certainly stood the test of time and although he's terribly out of style, I still like him.
Friday, December 4, 2009
Finally I have something new to show. I've talked about this macro project before, a challenge done for the Fiber Artists of the North East (FANE) that meets monthly with Jane Davila as our mentor. We were to take a Macro shot of anything with our camera. For those of you who don't know, a macro shot is a setting on most digital cameras where you can take a very close up picture. Then we were to use that photo as inspiration for a quilt, any size. Here is my finished product, Feather Study. Please click on each picture to see more detail.
Here is the photo I started with, a grayish white feather on bright turquoise fabric.

I cropped the photo to make it square, then took it into Photshop and changed the picture to four different colorways. Changing the color just changed the background color, but when I used the Posterize filter, it brought out many under colors in the white/gray feather. I printed out each altered photo to about 8 inches square onto fabric and pieced them together. I liked the secondary pattern that emerged when I rotated the 4 pieces to sew them together.

Then I heavily machine quilted it, changing threads many times to match the color in the photo. I enjoyed this process immensely and want to do some more.
There were some fascinating pieces shown last night , using many different techniques. I know, I know I should have had my camera, but once again I left it home.

Here is the photo I started with, a grayish white feather on bright turquoise fabric.

I cropped the photo to make it square, then took it into Photshop and changed the picture to four different colorways. Changing the color just changed the background color, but when I used the Posterize filter, it brought out many under colors in the white/gray feather. I printed out each altered photo to about 8 inches square onto fabric and pieced them together. I liked the secondary pattern that emerged when I rotated the 4 pieces to sew them together.

Then I heavily machine quilted it, changing threads many times to match the color in the photo. I enjoyed this process immensely and want to do some more.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Today was poinsettia distribution day for the Woman's Club of Danbury/New Fairfield, of which I am a member. It is our only fundraiser and we sold about $45,000 worth of the plants, giving us a profit of around $25,000-$30,000, all of which is given away to local charities and for scholarships to local high school students. All the plants are pre-sold. We start taking orders in September and they were picked up and delivered today. The Police Athletic League lets us use their building and this is what it looked like after about half of the orders were taken away.
The different sizes and varieties of poinsettias sold.

To make this quilt related, here's one I made a few years ago for a guild challenge. We were to use a traditional quilt pattern in a nontraditional way. This block is called "Puss in the Corner" and it features my dearly departed cat, Stormy. She was a very sweet little kitty and hardly ever did anything naughty, except at Christmas when she loved to chase the fallen plant leaves and bat them around until they were in crumbles all over the floor. I titled this one, "I'm Sorry". The cat is thread painted on fused fabric and the floor is also fused, no piecing involved. I definitely need help with perspective!

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