Monday, June 22, 2009

More Pictures from the South of France

The Hotel de Paris is an impressive building on one side of the U-shaped area that comprises the famous Casino (think James Bond) at the head of the U, the Hotel on one side, and restaurants and a smaller casino on the other side. We stayed at a great hotel, but not this one. Click on the picture to see a better view of the facade, a very small part of the huge and magnificent building. It is so exclusive that you can't walk into the lobby unless you are staying there.
This is the view looking from the Casino, showing you how mountainous the area is. I can't imagine driving there, but I guess that if you lived there you would have a driver for your Porsche or Ferrari. We saw lots of fancy cars.

Nice has a area populated mainly by Russians and this is their beautiful Church.

I took many pictures of rocks, walkways, ceilings. I thought this had wonderful texture and color. Maybe I'll print this out on fabric.

View from the top of somewhere. I never got tired of looking at those tile roofs and distant hills

Le Ponant, our home away from home for seven days and nights. I wish that I could have taken a pictures with her sails up, it was a sight to behold. We only had 41 passengers and a crew of about 30, good service to say the least. The food was delicious and we all loved our French chef, Francis, who would come out and stop at the tables after dinner. I'm surprised that I only gained one pound, because all self control went out the window. Francis told us that he didn't decide on what he was cooking for dinner until we got into port each morning and would plan his menu on what was fresh that day. Needless to say that we had incredible fish, but meat and poultry choices, too. He was very creative.
The sisters having a drink on deck before going in to dinner.


Anonymous said...

I need to hear more about this ship....sounds wonderful. Enjoying the pictures. Carolyn needs her own blog now that she's an official blog photographer. Would love to see more of her work. I'll be up there for 2 wks starting the 1st so will call. Sue

Anonymous said...

The pictures are beautiful. I love the rocks. You and Ruthie look great!