I returned home Wednesday from a glorious trip to the south of France and the northern coast of Spain. We had absolutely perfect weather every day, hot, sunny and no humidity. I think it rained almost every day in CT while we were away. How lucky we were! I didn't take as many pictures as I usually do, but I'll post a few every day in the order of the trip. Click on each picture for a bigger view.

We flew into Nice and stayed at the Fairmont Hotel in Monaco, a beautiful hotel just a five minute walk from the famous Monte Carlo Casino and the Hotel de Paris. This is the view from the seventh floor outdoor restaurant where we had lunch the first day.

On our second day we drove up to St Paul de Vence, a charming mountain top walled village. I had been there a few years ago as part of a tour of France and was so enchanted by it, but thought I'd never go back. I was elated to find that it was on this tour, too.

Here I am with my sister, Ruth, my travel companion, shopping at one of the many chic boutiques. The town is full of art galleries and small shops carrying mostly hand made things. It was a shopper's heaven.

The air in St. Paul's is pure and clear and was a haven for many famous artists, including Chagall, who is buried in this cemetery.

The narrow, winding, steep walkways in St. Paul's are made of small stones set in flower patterns, so charming.

Back to Monaco and a view of part of the yacht marina.

The courtyard of the Royal Palace in Monaco.

If you've been to my blog before, you know that I was following the progress of two nests, one in a wreath on my front door and a robin's nest in a tree right outside my door. My friend Carolyn, took some pictures when I was away (when it wasn't pouring) and got some good shots. These are the robins, almost ready to leave the nest.

An earlier picture of hungry robin babies.

The door babies. Both nests' inhabitants grew up and flew away before I got home. I was hoping to see them again, but at least I have these pictures. (Thanks to Carolyn who took quite a few).