The Japanese meals that we had on out trip were works of art. Every course was served in beautiful little dishes, artfully arranged

This was the appetizer. I forget what it was, but it was good. The side of the box had pretty cutouts of maple leaves.

This is sashime, or raw fish, served with wasabi paste and soy sauce. It was delicious.

This is grilled barracuda wrapped in a magnolia leaf. Very good! Note the little veggie cutouts of maple leaf.
This is tempura, fish or veggies deep fried in a very light batter with a dipping sauce.

Pickled veggies.

Vegetables,scallops and shrimp served in a baby eggplant.

Slices of steak sizzling on individual braziers.

I forget, I think it was soup of some kind. Note the pretty tea cup in the background.
I did like the Japanese food. Or most of it. I did not like miso soup and that was served at almost every meal.
We had one meal at a Shabu-shabu restaurant. There is a big pot of boiling water in the middle of the table, into which you put thinly sliced pieces of pork or beef to cook quickly. There are also noodles and vegetables in the pot. That was not my favorite meal.
I got to be quite good at using chopsticks, something I was not before I got there.
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