Although the cities in Japan are bustling, modern cosmopolitan cities, you still see the occasional kimono worn on the street. These young women were shopping in Kyoto. The two fingers held up don't stand for the peace sign, but something that most young people do when posing for a picture. It means something like happiness, I never could get an exact answer.

Because they were under 20 years of age, they are allowed to tie their obis in these fancy butterfly bows.

This young woman is a maiko, or an apprentice to a geiko, or geisha. Contrary to some popular belief, they are not prostitutes, but entertainers. They are in training for at least two years. In that time they wear the white face makeup and traditional hairdos. Their hair is done in these elaborate styles and they have to sleep on hard neck pillows so as not to disturb them. The style is taken down about every six days and done over. And I thought I had trouble sleeping!

These two older women were performing a tea ceremony. They no longer have to have those fancy hairdos and can wear it any way they choose. The same thing for their makeup.
Many young girls have a coming out party when they turn twenty. For this many wear the traditional dress. Our guide had two daughters and told us that to dress them properly with all the layers, obis, sashes, shoes, hair ornaments, etc. would cost about $10,000 apiece. So she saved up her money and when the time came, the girls said they would rather have a car. They had the coming out party!
We saw a party at our hotel where the girl had a beautiful western gown, navy strapless with lots of beading. Her girlfriends were stylishly dressed in shades of taupe, ivory and black.
The women in Tokyo are so well dressed.....lots of high heels, pretty skirts, great looking jackets.
I remarked on this the last time I was there 28 years ago and it hasn't changed.