This week I concentrated on using capital letters in a quarter inch grid, using alternate squares. I think I got some interesting results and some cool tassellations and secondary patterns. It doesn't work with all letters of the alphabet, but I'm trying a few more next week. I am still doing only straight stitching.
K This is one of my favorites. I love the patterns it formed and it looks different each time you give it a quarter turn.

L With a little spike in the intersection.
L Turned on its side and three contrasting color spikes at the intersection. Whoops it wasn't until I saw it just now writing this that I see that I missed one of the L's spikes. Can you see it? I will fix it.
I I like the basketweave look that it achieved.
A No having to guess this one. I think it is more interesting on its side.
M Another favorite with the tallessations formed. This one looked good turned any way.
Y No guessing this one either, but I still like it and it will look good turned on its side or upside down.
I was trying to outline the circles with a back stitch and I was never happy with the way it looked and usually picked it out and just did a simple running stitch. But I went on Youtube and watched a couple of videos on the stem stitch. I like it so much better and that's what I'll be doing for now.
All finished squares on my design wall. I am not sewing anything together yet because I want to mix up the designs. But so far, so good, I think.
My FiberWorks group has started another monthly challenge. Last year it was collage and this year we are inspired by Anne Brook, a charming hand stitcher from the UK. There are several videos on Youtube. She gives you many options and I am making a 6 inch book with the pages made from batting. I am giving myself a guideline for each month and for January I said "only straight stitches". For some of the pieces I let the fabric tell me how to stitch and took advantage of patterns on the fabric. We were encouraged to use a consistant color scheme throughput our book and I chose blue, white, and gray. It was rather labor intensive and I worked on it in bits and pieces but I did enjoy it. I have already started February, which is Dots and Knots. I 'll show it to you next month.