Every year I try to find a Santa ornament for my family room tree, which is decorated only with Santas and red glass balls. If you've followed my blog at all you know that I'm big on Christmas decorating. This tree (one of two) is 7 1/2 feet tall so there's always room for one more. I was disappointed that none of my usual haunts had a Santa to tempt me, so I was thrilled to find this one yesterday in TJ Maxx. It is handblown in Poland,where they make some of the best glass ornaments and are usually quite pricey. This one was at TJ prices, so I was extra pleased.
This is an Italian Santa. Behind him is the Leaning Tower of Pisa, a little hard to see in this picture, and the Italian flag. He carries a basket of fruit and has a jaunty Italian cap on his head. I have been to Italy and the Leaning Tower, so it has some meaning to me. He is getting along very nicely with the other Santas, some of them from other countries, too.
And now for my clumsy accident. Some of you may be lucky enough to live in a state where you can't pump your own gas, like New Jersey, but here in Connecticut we have to pump our own. It is very hard to find a full service station and if you do you pay a premium price. I get my gas at Costco, the best price around. Yesterday while putting the nozzle back in its cradle I somehow dropped it and it fell right on my toes. Yes, that big heavy metal thing! I saw stars! The roaming attendant came over, picked up the nozzle and asked if I was alright. I really didn't know, but I told home it really hurt, which it did! I then proceeded to a scheduled luncheon and a few errands . By the time I got home several hours later and was able to remove my shoe and sock, this was the pretty sight.

I had this fat little purple sausage for a toe and purple bruising on the top my foot and on the bottom of the toe (it's actually much more purple there). I immediately put on some Arnica gel, which is great for reducing bruising and iced it as much as I could. I was sure it was broken, since I couldn't move it very much at all. Today I did go to the gym with my trainer and we only did upper body and ab exercises. I think that the big heavy sneakers that I wear to the gym were good for it. I think it kept it stable and now I'm not sure if it is broken. Not too much you can do if it is, other than taping it to the next toe, which I will do tonight. Glad I got my pedicure the other day. I don't think I'd want anyone touching that toe for awhile. Oh, yes, that toe is a hammer toe. I was hoping that the nozzle would have flattened it out, but it didn't. It's as hammer as it ever was.
Now back to writing out my Christmas cards.