Yesterday was the second day of
Ann Johnston's two day workshop and these are some of my favorites from that class. As I said in my last post, I was trying to get more than one color on a piece and that's what I concentrated on today.

I think that this looks like a land mass with water to the right. My private country?

This was achieved by wrapping the fabric around a smooth rope (thanks to Benedicte), then bunching it up and rubber banding it. Then green and blue dyes were poured over.

I twisted the fabric on the diagonal and applied pink at one end and yellow at the other.

The fabric was accordion pleated two ways, then clamped with a heavy duty clamp and the edges of the folded fabric were dipped in the dye.

The fabric was put down flat, then slightly scrunched and different shades of green were dribbled on.

This is the result of accordion pleating fabric and putting clothes pins along one edge and standing it up in the dye bath.
Ann gave us a demonstration of dye painting and mono printing with thickened dyes. It was VERY interesting and she had some great quilts to show us using that method. I will definitely want to try that. I had lots of prepared dye left over that I brought home. It will keep for a couple of weeks in the refrigerator, so I will have to spend some more time on this.
Ann was a great teacher! I bought one of her books, "Color by Design". I'm sure I will have fun "working" (more like playing) my way through it.
Oh, yes, the repair man came this morning and my washing machine is back in business. Hooray!!