I could not photograph my finished quilt draped over the chair on my deck today because this is the weather we had this morning. The snowflakes were huge but it only lasted for a couple of hours and it is already melting. We are supposed to get a hard freeze tonight and that will be the end of the annuals. I will have to do a lot of work one day this week to get everything out. I still have a lot of annuals in the front of the house and they will be toast, too. I hate fall cleanup but it has to be done.
Friday, October 30, 2020
Another finished comfort quilt and a collage
I could not photograph my finished quilt draped over the chair on my deck today because this is the weather we had this morning. The snowflakes were huge but it only lasted for a couple of hours and it is already melting. We are supposed to get a hard freeze tonight and that will be the end of the annuals. I will have to do a lot of work one day this week to get everything out. I still have a lot of annuals in the front of the house and they will be toast, too. I hate fall cleanup but it has to be done.
Friday, October 23, 2020
Another finish
I finished quilting my second donation quilt. I contacted the director of Ann's Place in Danbury and she will see that they go to the chemo ward at the hospital. She told me that patients are not allowed to have a friend or spouse with them during the pandemic, so a little extra comfort will be welcome.
I photographed it outside so that you can see the true colors. All attempts inside made it too dark.
I did something really stupid while cutting the binding. I have been sewing for umpteen years and using a rotary cutting for almost that long and I have never had an accident. I don't know how it happened, but I rammed right into my pointer finger on my left hand. Ouch! I quickly ran to the bathroom and ran cold water over it, but it bled and bled. I kept putting pressure on the cut and finally stanched the bleeding and then saw that it was also bleeding from the nail. Yep, I had run right across the nail, too. It took a long time for it finally to stop and when it did I put a bandaid on it very tight, then another on top of that and then put on a finger cot. Since I wash my hands so many times during the day it's hard to keep a bandaid dry. The finger cot worked like a charm. It happened two days ago and I took the bandaids off this morning. It looks okay, but it still needs a bandaid and a finger cot. Good news! I did not get blood on the quilt.
This sign hangs on my studio door.
I always have flowers on my kitchen table. They are so inexpensive at the grocery store and I pick up a bunch or two every week. I have been using Alstroemeria all summer. They are so easy to just cut down and plop in a vase and they last all week. But for the last three weeks I have been buying mums. I love the pretty color combinations, although they do have to be made into an arrangement with Oasis. My kitchen adjoins my family room and if I'm not in my studio, that's where I am and I get to enjoy them all day.
So that's it for this week. I have two more quilt tops spray basted and ready to go, so come back next week to check them out. I'm linking up with Off the Wall Friday.
Friday, October 16, 2020
This and That
I finished quilting my first donation quilt. It will go to a friend of a friend who is going through a very rough time with her cancer. The charity to whom I was originally going to give these quilts requested flannel backs and I bought some very pretty ones at Joanne's. I washed them all, knowing that flannel shrinks but was dismayed by what they looked like after the washing.They were all pilly and looked terrible. I took them back to Joanne's and they gave me a refund. Then I had to go through the process of picking out all cotton for the backs. I am giving them to a different local charity to avoid a lot of mailing.
For this one I used the same pretty floral fabric that is in the binding.

This was her statement on the back of the quilt and the title is Partners With a Purpose.
Same as above, but this time painting the flowers in with more paint. It took forever! I had to go over and over with the white for it to cover. I would put the paint down and think it looked just fine, then would come back 10 minutes later to see that it had just sunk into the fabric. But I still think it looks pretty cute and I wore it out to dinner last night to favorable reviews.
Friday, October 9, 2020
More Donation Quilts
I finished putting the borders on two more donation quilts and I am happy to say that I think I have found a place where I can donate them locally instead of having to mail them. We have a wonderful organization in town that offers comfort and support to cancer patients, called Ann's Place. I still haven't contacted them but I'm pretty sure that they will want these quilts to offer to patients who are undergoing chemotherapy. I have one more that need borders and then I can start the quilting.
I am linking up with Off the Wall Friday.
Thursday, October 1, 2020
Donation Quilts
The plaid quilt that I showed last week is going to be part of a local auction to raise funds for hungry kids. While I am in the mood I decided to make some more comfort quilts to give away.
Several years ago I was taken by the striated batiks that were in vogue. I bought so many thinking that I would make landscape quilts or even mock Rail Fence using the stripes in the fabric instead of piecing in stripes as I had done before. I went through my stash and pulled out ones that I thought would work and of which I had enough. I had purchased smaller pieces and I needed at least a half yard for this purpose.
These are all going to be 40" x 50" and have to be backed with flannel because they will be used by cancer patients while undergoing chemotherapy. That was the request by the charity that will get these quilts. I went to Joannes this week to take advantage of their sale and picked some yummy flannels to be used as backing.