Monday, June 19, 2017

Simple Pleasures

A bouquet of peonies from my garden in a vase on my coffee table. The dark pink ones smell like roses and scent the whole room.

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

R is for


One of the fiber groups of which I am a member, FANE, puts on a show every Autumn with a theme. This year's theme is The Alphabet and each member was assigned a letter. I got R and kicked around a lot of ideas before I settled on Rose.

I have a lot of photos of rose closeups that I have taken over the years. I really liked the colors in this one and I was pleased to find these hand dyed fabric in my stash (dyed by me). I auditioned several "R"s before I chose  this one. Actually I did another one first and it was a disaster.

Each quilt has to be 16" x 20" which was a nice small size to work on.

There were some letters not taken so I decided to do another. That will be B and if you follow my blog you won't be surprised that I will be doing Buttons. It will be a combination of real buttons and button stamps that I have made. I look forward to working on it.

Each participant also has to make a coloring book page that follows the design of the quilt. Coloring books will be on display and for sale at the show. I haven't started on that yet.

I will be joining up with Off the Wall Friday.

Thursday, June 1, 2017

Sun # 7

The card that I picked for June was Positive/ Negative and I knew immediately what I wanted to do.

My first choice of fabrics was gold and silver lamė, but when I put it up on the design wall they just sort of blended into each other. So I went back to my Duponi silks.

I used metallic silver and gold thread to outline the faces and black thread in a free-motion satin stitch.

I did a free-motion straight stitch for the rays. 

I don't know what prompt I will have next, but I want to do another one with a lot of machine stitching. I am having such a good time with these faces.

I am linking up with Off the Wall Fridays. Go check it out and leave some comments so the artists will know you have visited.